
Running in the dark – Top tips to be seen & safe!

With October here the shorter evenings can play havoc with your running routine as the light hours reduce and the long, dark days of winter set in.  Whether you run in the early mornings or late evenings here are some smart tips to make sure you are keeping yourself safe while running in the dark this Autumn.

  1. TRAVEL AGAINST TRAFFIC – Avoid busy roads and those with no shoulders or footpaths.
  2. CHOOSE A WELL-LIT ROUTE – You’ll be able to see the road and avoid potential hazards.
  3. LIGHT ME UP – Be visible wear white, yellow, or orange clothes and make sure you have reflective gear on.
  4. CARRY A PHONE/ID ON YOU – In case of emergency it can be very important!
  5. RUN WITH A BUDDY – Safety in numbers.
  6. DITCH THE TUNES – You won’t be able to hear oncoming traffic or cyclist yelling. You need to rely on all your senses, not just your sight.
  7. CHANGE IT UP – Vary your route and times occasionally to ensure your safety – don’t make yourself an easy target.
  8. SHARE YOUR PLANS – Leave a note for roommates or family.

Archview Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy Clinic, Dublin 6 and Dublin 14. Experts in the field of Pain and Injury. Locations: Ranelagh and Dundrum, Dublin Ph: 01 4913228 Email: [email protected]