Is Your Head In A Spin?

Does turning and getting out of bed or lifting your head to look up cause your head to spin? Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a disorder of the inner ear’s vestibular system affecting 2.4% of people.  BPPV is characterised by episodes of sudden and severe vertigo when your head is moved around.

  • Benign indicates it is not life threatening and generally doesn’t progress
  • Paroxysmal means sudden onset of symptoms
  • Positional points to the fact that symptoms usually occur with changes in head position
  • Vertigo is a spinning sensation


  • Vertigo
  • Light headedness
  • Dizziness/ Nausea/ Vomiting
  • Loss of balance
  • Your eyes may drift and flick uncontrollably (nystagmus) with head movement


BPPV is caused by particles within the balance organ of your inner ear. BPPV is thought to arise due to the displacement of otoconia (small crystals) from the vestibule of the inner ear into the fluid-filled semi-circular canals.  When your head is moved, the movement of fluid inside these canals tells the brain the distance, speed and direction your head is moving. Usually, these crystals are held in special canals within other structures. Injury or degeneration may allow the crystals to dislodge and escape into the balance organ and interfere with your vestibular system. This can occur for a number of reasons;

  • Head or ear injury.
  • Ear surgery or ear infection
  • Degeneration of the inner ear structures
  • Vestibular neuritis (viral infection of the inner ear).
  • Meniere’s disease (disorder of the inner ear).
  • Some types of minor strokes.
  • Idiopathic BPPV occurs for no reason


Your physiotherapist or doctor may use several tests to diagnose BPPV. This can include looking for nystagmus (involuntary eye movements) and vertigo when the head is placed in certain positions.


Treatment of BPPV involves vestibular rehabilitation, a special form of physiotherapy that involves treatment manoeuvres and exercise in order to decrease dizziness and improve balance. You should always have this condition evaluated and treated by a Chartered Physiotherapist or ENT.


desk posture causing pain

Dlr Community 5km walk/run 11th of Oct!

The Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Sports Partnership 5km annual community event is coming up on the 11th of October 2014 in Kilbogget Park. It starts at 2pm and registration is only €5!  This event is for everyone! It’s the 6th year running. Participants with all levels of ability, disability, young, old and even serious runners take part each year! It’s a community event set up to bring the community together through exercise! It’s a great afternoon for all. Well worth checking out for your family to take part. See link for further details :

Dry needling: Is it the miracle cure to stiff muscles?

Dry needling is a revolutionary approach to treating muscle pain and stiffness. The results can be astounding. If you are experiencing flexibility and stretching just isn’t getting you anywhere opt for a dry needling session at the clinic. Your physiotherapists will explain in full how the needle deactivates the painful knots with the release of a twitch! If you want to see results fast this is an excellent therapy to try. Don’t worry it an evidence-based treatment. So there’s no lets see if it works. It’s proven to work.

At Archview Physiotherapy we use dry needling as part of our overall physiotherapy approach when required. Not all our physiotherapists are dry needlist so if you would like to try it do request dry needling treatment when booking so we can allocate the appropriate physiotherapist for you. Dry needling is great for treating: sports injuries,  flexibility problems,  neck pain, back pain and much much more! Refer to the page on dry needling for further details to this treatment.

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Are You Suffering With A Golf Injury?

Don’t let your pain hinder your golf game!! Golf injuries affect 15-20% of golfers annually, with backs, elbows, shoulders, and wrists the most common areas. Recreational golfers sustain more golf injuries than professionals and the rate of injury increases with advancing age. If you are carrying a golf injury or have a problem that it is aggravated when you play you may need to be assessed at Archview Physiotherapy Clinic by a Chartered Physiotherapist.

The Most Common Golf Injuries

Low Back Pain: The lower back is the most commonly and frequently injured area of the body in golfers. The golf swing requires flexibility and rotation in the back. Back pain can me due to many different factors and can appear as pain in the lower back, muscle stiffness, spasms, or pain radiating down into the leg.

Golfer’s Elbow/Tennis Elbow: Pain, tenderness and inflammation on the outside (Tennis Elbow) or the inside (Golfers Elbow) of the upper arm near the elbow. Tennis Elbow is at least four times more likely to occur than Golfers Elbow. Overuse during excessive practice or decreased forearm muscle strength can be part of the cause of these injuries.

Shoulder Pain: Shoulder or upper arm pain can catch at various phases of the golf swing, at night time, or with overhead activities. Rotator cuff tendinitis, tearing or impingement in the rotator cuff, AC joint arthritis, and joint instability can all lead to shoulder pain. Additionally shoulder soft tissues can become aggravated with repetition. Older golfers may have pain due to bursitis or rotator cuff injuries with reduced circulation to the shoulder muscles. In younger golfers joint laxity or a high-velocity swing can cause micro-trauma to the rotator cuff.

Knee Pain: Knee pain, clicking, swelling of the knee aggravated by twisting, squatting, and walking can present in golfers. This can be caused by any of numerous underlying issues involving the meniscus or cartilage, knee osteoarthritis, or kneecap pain.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Golfers may experience numbness and tingling of the fingers (especially at night), decreased grip strength and clumsiness. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a repetitive stress injury that occurs in the nerves of the hands.

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis: This causes pain, swelling, and tenderness in the wrist near the base of the thumb and due to inflammation in the tendons that control the thumb. Typically pain can present in the left wrist at the top of the backswing.

Fractured Hamate Bone: Pain and tenderness in left palm, numbness in ring and little finger can be due to a fracture of the hamate.This is a small bone on the little finger side of the wrist. If like many golfers you grip the club by putting the butt-end of the club right up against the hook of the hamate during the swing a fracture can develop.

Trigger Finger: Trigger finger can cause a finger to lock up and I can become stuck in a bent position. Your finger may straighten with a snap like a trigger being pulled and released. This is caused when the area through which the finger tendons run is damaged.  Repetitive gripping actions used in golf increase the risk of developing this injury.

If you think you are suffering from any of the above injuries or want to learn how to avoid injuring yourself while playing golf contact Archview Physiotherapy Pain and Sports Injury Clinic on 01 4913228/01 2963490 or at [email protected] for an appointment.

Massage Dublin 6 and Dublin 14


At Archview Physiotherapy and Massage Clinic we conduct all our massage therapies by fully qualified Physiotherapists. Our Chartered Physiotherapists are experts in the field of muscle discomfort! Your massage will be tailored to suit your needs, specifically targeting your problem areas! We as physiotherapists know only too well the problems that can occur when we don’t take care of our bodies. Most of the time mild aches and pains will go away but when they linger that’s when you should stop and listen! Physiotherapy isn’t always the option you may need. Sometimes a good massage is the answer! Choose a massage with one of our experts. It is really important to be kind to your body and give it some TLC from time to time. See our Massage Therapy page for further details:

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Archview Physiotherapy Clinic, Dublin is now on youtube!


We are delighted to announce that our youtube channel is now live! We will be uploading videos over the following weeks on a variety of topics. If there is anything you would us to cover please do let us know. You can leave comments on out youtube channel, facebook or twitter. Check out our first video here Archview Physiotherapy Clinic Dublin

Pregnancy Related Sciatica

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If you are suffering from sciatica during pregnancy, you are certainly not alone.

What Is Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve starts in the lower back, runs down the buttocks and branches down the back of the legs to the ankles and feet. It allows you to move muscles in your legs as well as supplying sensation. In most cases sciatica happens when the sciatic nerve gets compressed by bulging, slipped or ruptured discs, arthritis, or by a narrowing of the spinal cord.

What Causes It During Pregnancy?

Weight gain and fluid retention
Loosening of ligaments
Muscle weakening
Inflammation as a result of the expanding uterus pressing down on the nerve
Poor posture causing the buttock and pelvic area to tighten up
Baby’s head can rest directly on the nerve
Symptoms Can Include:

Pain that starts in the back or buttocks and radiates all the way down the backs of your legs, or all the way to the foot
Sharp, shooting pain, burning, tingling or numbness or a dull ache
Pain in lower back sitting, standing or walking that spreads into the pelvis
Symptoms vary from person to person – everyone is different!!
Sciatica Facts:

Most common occur during the 3rd trimester
Typically experience pain in one side
Constant or intermittent
Most cases subside within 6 weeks
May persist after you’ve given birth for up to 6 months
Self Help Tips!

Rest – get off your feet!
Sleep on the pain-free side on firm mattress with back support and pillows between your legs
Perform pelvic tilts with Kegel Exercises
Prenatal Massage
Try to gain weight slowly
Practicing good posture
Wearing a belt around your belly to support the bump
Avoiding sitting or standing still for prolonged periods
Wear a flat soft shoe to help prevent jarring of your spine when you walk
Do not lift heavy objects
Attending a Chartered Physiotherapist who is experienced in pregnancy care is advisable as special considerations apply in the choice of treatment approach during pregnancy. Here at Archview Physiotherapy Clinic, our physiotherapists are trained in treating pregnancy related pain so if you are suffering from sciatica and would like to book an appointment or get further information please call 01 4913228 or email [email protected].

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Ranelagh Arts Festival

We are delighted the Ranelagh Arts Festival is starting this weekend. It will be great to see the village buzzing with people enjoying themselves! That’s what life is all about. There’s going to be quite a few number of events taking place from the 12th to the 28th of September. The festival will include a celebration of music, theatre/library events, visual arts, comedy, walks, talks and greening projects. Very exciting! For more details in to the events and tickets visit

Bags and Shoulder pain ….Is your handbag causing you pain?

Your handbag may be causing you neck, shoulder and back pain. Especially those over-sized and over-weight handbags that we use to hold the kitchen sink. However, when you start to load these bags up with purses, phones, keys, laptops, water bottle, books, etc., you could be heading for trouble! The average weight of a ladies handbag is around 3-4 kgs. If you carried a 3-4 kg dumbbell over your shoulder for 2-3 hours a day, imagine how you’d feel?

Is your work station set-up causing you pain and headaches??

Pain and headaches associated with poor posture are one of the most common complaints we treat at Archview Physiotherapy Clinic Dublin. Poor posture is largely due to inadequate ergonomic work stations. Long working days spending up to eight hours sitting in a prolonged static position can lead to the development of back and neck pain, headaches and stress. This may lead to absenteeism and reduced work performance!

Employers have a statutory obligation to “evaluate health and safety at workstations with particular reference to eye sight, physical difficulties and mental stress” under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 section 12, General Application of the Regulations 2007 and EC Council Directive 90/2270/EEC. In short, you are entitled to having your work station assessed.

At Archview Physiotherapy Clinic Dublin we can provide you with an in-office ergonomic assessment of your work station and treat your physical symptoms. Why not ask a colleague to take a photo of you at your work station today, bring it along with you to your physiotherapy consultation and we can provide you with immediate advise!

If you do work in an office environment, it is of the utmost importance that you take care of your back and give it some TLC. Here are three top tips for you!

  1. Have an ergonomic assessment
  2. Take frequent breaks from your desk
  3. Take part in exercise
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