Is your work station set-up causing you pain and headaches??

Pain and headaches associated with poor posture are one of the most common complaints we treat at Archview Physiotherapy Clinic Dublin. Poor posture is largely due to inadequate ergonomic work stations. Long working days spending up to eight hours sitting in a prolonged static position can lead to the development of back and neck pain, headaches and stress. This may lead to absenteeism and reduced work performance!

Employers have a statutory obligation to “evaluate health and safety at workstations with particular reference to eye sight, physical difficulties and mental stress” under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 section 12, General Application of the Regulations 2007 and EC Council Directive 90/2270/EEC. In short, you are entitled to having your work station assessed.

At Archview Physiotherapy Clinic Dublin we can provide you with an in-office ergonomic assessment of your work station and treat your physical symptoms. Why not ask a colleague to take a photo of you at your work station today, bring it along with you to your physiotherapy consultation and we can provide you with immediate advise!

If you do work in an office environment, it is of the utmost importance that you take care of your back and give it some TLC. Here are three top tips for you!

  1. Have an ergonomic assessment
  2. Take frequent breaks from your desk
  3. Take part in exercise
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