Meralgia paresthetica

Athlete holding upper thigh due to meralgia paresthetica pain

Meralgia paresthetica is defined as a compression or entrapment of the femoral cutaneous nerve that causes paraesthesia (“numbness”), tingling, loss of sensation, and sometimes pain in the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. Approximately 20% of the cases occur bilaterally in both lower limbs.

A specific origin of this pathology is not known, but scientific evidence subdivides two possible causes:

  1. Spontaneous:  Any factor that can increase intra-abdominal pressure at the level of the pelvis can cause compression of the femoral nerve branch due to space reduction.

It can originate from:

  • Increased pressure due to internal causes: obesity, pregnancy, mass…
  • Increased pressure due to external causes for e.g., use of very tight clothing that causes pelvic compression (pants, belts, corsets, military/police uniforms…).
  • Bone abnormalities that can decrease space and increase pressure.
  • Iatrogenic: Bone surgeries of the pelvis or spine.

In turn, metabolic disorders such as diabetes or the consumption of alcohol and tobacco can increase the predisposition to suffer from this pathology.

At Archview Physiotherapy, we provide treatments, such as:

Manual treatment of soft tissues and fascial system: It is necessary to work on the muscle tissue that may be compressing the affected femoral nerve branch.

Mobilization: We will work the mobility of the hip and pelvis

Dry needling applied to trigger points of the muscles that are directly related to pain in that area.

Neurodynamic. Which helps to reduce symptoms (paraesthesia or pain) and improving mobility.

Exercise: to improve lumbopelvic stability and the function of our legs.

To book an appointment with one of our team at Archview Physiotherapy Pain and Sports Injury Clinic, please call 014913228 or book online Located in Ranelagh, Dublin 6.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

What is an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)?

The anterior cruciate ligament, also known as the ‘ACL,’ is a ligament that provides stability to the knee joint. If the anterior cruciate ligament is damaged, it results in an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Following an ACL injury, physiotherapy is a must-have treatment.

How does an anterior cruciate ligament injury happen?

A twisting movement with the foot planted on the ground is the most typical way to cause an ACL injury. A direct hit to the knee or bending the knee incorrectly can also harm the ACL.

What are the symptoms of an anterior cruciate ligament injury?

When the ACL is totally torn, there is often an audible ‘popping’ noise and the sensation of something moving out of and back into place within the knee joint. Pain is common in the initial few minutes following an injury and normally goes away soon. If you try to run or do a twisting manoeuvre while standing, the injured knee may collapse. Within the first few hours, there is usually a lot of swelling.

Patients who suspect they have torn their ACL should schedule a physiotherapy evaluation as soon as possible. To identify if your ACL has been injured, several tests can be conducted. If necessary, your physiotherapist may refer you for an MRI scan of your knee or to an orthopaedic surgeon. Physiotherapy is necessary after an ACL injury, whether reconstructive surgery is performed.

To book an appointment with one of the team from Archview Physiotherapy Pain and Sports Injury Clinic, please call 014913228 or you can book online via our website Located in Ranelagh, Dublin 6.

Pilates Classes Starting 3rd November : Beginners

We are delighted to announce we have new Pilates beginner classes starting on Monday 3rd of November. Classes are instructed by Chartered Physiotherapists. The classes are limited to only 6 people so that each person gets lots of one to one attention! We have two classes starting, one at 6pm and another at 7pm. Your physiotherapy pilates tutor will make sure that you are doing your exercises effectively and of course safely!

These classes bring you right back to the basics of proper core strengthening, postural alignment and teach you how to breath correctly during exercise. We recommend for anyone to attend these classes as they are great for preventing back and neck pain, help with spinal flexibility and promote relaxation. Cost: €90 for 6 weeks. For more detail or to book your place please call 014913228/email [email protected]

Archview Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy Clinic, Dublin 6 and Dublin 14. Experts in the field of Pain and Sports Injury. Locations: Ranelagh and Dundrum, Dublin. Ph: 01 4913228 Email: [email protected]

Dry Needling Dublin 6

At Archview Physiotherapy our chartered physiotherapists are expertly trained in dry needling for the treatment of muscle problems & headaches. Dry needling can be used for the treatment of painful conditions and sports injuries.

What? Dry Needling is an effective deep muscle release therapy which relaxes knots in muscle tissue that can cause muscle pain, dysfunction, weakness and tightness. Dry needling involves gently inserting a sterile single use Acupuncture needle directly into muscle trigger points. Dry needling helps the muscle relax.

Where do you get Trigger Points and Myofascial Pain? Anywhere! Common causes of persistent headache are muscles around the shoulders and neck. Trigger points that build up due to poor posture and long periods of sitting at a desk are a very common cause of shoulder pain. Trigger points and myofascial pain in the spine can cause back pain, while in the buttock it can cause hip and leg pain.

What does it feel like? Generally, the needle insertion is not felt, the local twitch response may provoke a very brief somewhat painful response. The “twitch” resets the muscle and nerve supply, increasing the blood flow to the area which helps to relax the muscle. This is the first step to breaking the pain cycle and releasing tight trigger points.

Side effects/ Effectiveness? After dry needling treatment, the area that is treated will feel much softer and relaxed and the person will feel looser. Post-treatment some discomfort may be felt in the area and referral zone lasting anywhere between 1-48 hours. Once this has subsided there should be an improvement in symptoms. You may be advised to use heat over the sore area and may need to modify exercise for a day afterwards. Multiple sessions may be necessary to resolve the symptoms fully.

What can be treated with Dry Needling?

  • Back and neck pain, including postural problems and tension
  • Headaches
  • Neck
  • Shoulder & Arm pain (frozen shoulder, impingements, tennis or golfer’s elbow)
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Pelvic girdle pain
  • Gluteal & Leg pain (Sciatica)
  • Hamstring strains
  • Knee & Shin pain
  • Calf tightness & Cramps
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries

Contraindications? There are very few reasons why a person is not suitable for dry needling, these include obesity and pregnancy. If you are taking anticoagulant medicines (eg. Warfarin) or if you have skin infections near the trigger points, then needling shouldn’t be used. 

Additional benefits! Frequently people find it can also result in better energy levels, appetite and sleep, along with an enhanced sense of overall well-being.

Archview Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy Clinic, Dublin 6 and Dublin 14. Experts in the field of Pain and Sports Injury. Locations: Ranelagh and Dundrum, Dublin. Ph: 01 4913228 Email: [email protected]


Ranelagh Arts Festival

We are delighted the Ranelagh Arts Festival is starting this weekend. It will be great to see the village buzzing with people enjoying themselves! That’s what life is all about. There’s going to be quite a few number of events taking place from the 12th to the 28th of September. The festival will include a celebration of music, theatre/library events, visual arts, comedy, walks, talks and greening projects. Very exciting! For more details in to the events and tickets visit