Meralgia paresthetica

Athlete holding upper thigh due to meralgia paresthetica pain

Meralgia paresthetica is defined as a compression or entrapment of the femoral cutaneous nerve that causes paraesthesia (“numbness”), tingling, loss of sensation, and sometimes pain in the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. Approximately 20% of the cases occur bilaterally in both lower limbs.

A specific origin of this pathology is not known, but scientific evidence subdivides two possible causes:

  1. Spontaneous:  Any factor that can increase intra-abdominal pressure at the level of the pelvis can cause compression of the femoral nerve branch due to space reduction.

It can originate from:

  • Increased pressure due to internal causes: obesity, pregnancy, mass…
  • Increased pressure due to external causes for e.g., use of very tight clothing that causes pelvic compression (pants, belts, corsets, military/police uniforms…).
  • Bone abnormalities that can decrease space and increase pressure.
  • Iatrogenic: Bone surgeries of the pelvis or spine.

In turn, metabolic disorders such as diabetes or the consumption of alcohol and tobacco can increase the predisposition to suffer from this pathology.

At Archview Physiotherapy, we provide treatments, such as:

Manual treatment of soft tissues and fascial system: It is necessary to work on the muscle tissue that may be compressing the affected femoral nerve branch.

Mobilization: We will work the mobility of the hip and pelvis

Dry needling applied to trigger points of the muscles that are directly related to pain in that area.

Neurodynamic. Which helps to reduce symptoms (paraesthesia or pain) and improving mobility.

Exercise: to improve lumbopelvic stability and the function of our legs.

To book an appointment with one of our team at Archview Physiotherapy Pain and Sports Injury Clinic, please call 014913228 or book online Located in Ranelagh, Dublin 6.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

What is an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)?

The anterior cruciate ligament, also known as the ‘ACL,’ is a ligament that provides stability to the knee joint. If the anterior cruciate ligament is damaged, it results in an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Following an ACL injury, physiotherapy is a must-have treatment.

How does an anterior cruciate ligament injury happen?

A twisting movement with the foot planted on the ground is the most typical way to cause an ACL injury. A direct hit to the knee or bending the knee incorrectly can also harm the ACL.

What are the symptoms of an anterior cruciate ligament injury?

When the ACL is totally torn, there is often an audible ‘popping’ noise and the sensation of something moving out of and back into place within the knee joint. Pain is common in the initial few minutes following an injury and normally goes away soon. If you try to run or do a twisting manoeuvre while standing, the injured knee may collapse. Within the first few hours, there is usually a lot of swelling.

Patients who suspect they have torn their ACL should schedule a physiotherapy evaluation as soon as possible. To identify if your ACL has been injured, several tests can be conducted. If necessary, your physiotherapist may refer you for an MRI scan of your knee or to an orthopaedic surgeon. Physiotherapy is necessary after an ACL injury, whether reconstructive surgery is performed.

To book an appointment with one of the team from Archview Physiotherapy Pain and Sports Injury Clinic, please call 014913228 or you can book online via our website Located in Ranelagh, Dublin 6.

Lockdown yoga for whole body health

Lockdown Yoga might just be the key to a happy and healthy lockdown. At a time where our options for exercise and wellbeing are narrowing it is very important to appreciate those forms of exercise that are safely still available. Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise that is doable from your very own home and that can be suitable for all abilities. Not only is yoga widely accessible but it is extremely beneficial for the body and mind.

lady doing lockdown yogaHere are just some of the multiple evidence-based benefits of yoga:

  • Strength and mobility improvements
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Reduction in blood pressure and in overall cardiovascular risk factors
  • Increased GABA levels and reduced cortisol levels, both of which are linked with reduced stress and anxiety.
  • Improved markers of lung function

It is safe to that the health benefits are numerous, but where to start? Yoga as a practice comes in all shapes and sizes. There are many different types such as Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, Chair yoga, even more trendy adaptations such as goat or wine yoga! What suits one person may not suit another, so it is best to try a few different types of yoga before settling on the best one for your body type and mindset.

There are many different online yoga classes out there and some good YouTube video’s too. If you have a previous injury or are unsure if yoga is suitable for you it is best to consult a Physiotherapist first or start a Physio-led yoga class to build your foundation.

Danielle Moran is a Physiotherapist and 200hr Yoga teacher who is passionate whole-body health and movement. To make an appointment please call (01) 4913228 or book your appointment online by visiting our website

Reoccurring Ankle Sprains & Ligament Injuries

The most common acute sporting injuries seen are acute ankle sprains or ligament injuries in the ankle. The ankle has many ligaments to support the foot in different directions. These ligaments are usually damaged by quick turns, explosive twists or ‘going over’ on your foot.

There are 3 possible grades of tear to any ligament simply numbered 1,2 and 3, with grade 1 being minor damage and grade 3 being a complete tear.

If you suspect ligament damage in your ankle or an ankle sprain you should book a consultation with Archview Physiotherapy Clinic. Here one of our physiotherapists, physical therapists or sports therapists can assess and determine which ligament is injured, what grade of tear you may have and can then proceed to treat the injury.

Initially for any ankle sprain or ligament injury rest, ice, compression and elevation, also known as RICE, is recommended to reduce swelling and it enhances a quicker recovery in the initial 24 -48 hours. From there your therapist will work with you to restore a full range of motion, strengthen and condition the surrounding muscles and ligaments, work on proprioception and balance and eventually use functional exercises to aid in your return to daily life or sport.

If the correct rehabilitation is not followed it is very likely for a person to endure multiple or reoccurring ankle sprains. Many people claim it is due to having ‘weak’ ankles. However, with professional rehabilitation this problem will be minimised.

Call (01)4913228 or email [email protected] to book a consultation with one of our team to start your recovery.

Dublin City Marathon: Pre / Post- Marathon Massage Sessions!

The marathon training is in full swing for the Dublin City Marathon and  many participants don’t allow their bodies to recover enough in between sessions or long-distance runs.

In order to for your body to recover it is obviously important to keep hydration levels up and keep track of nutrition, ensuring you are eating enough protein for cell repair and growth and enough carbohydrates to give you the energy you need. Rest days are really important to allow the body to recover and a massage on a rest day can aid recovery even further.  Many athletes opt for a massage on a rest day or even go for pre or post-training/event massages to ensure they can give their best possible performance and to have a speedy recovery afterwards.

A pre-event massage will focus on increasing blood flow, flexibility and essentially warm up and keep the muscles loose, it will also decrease stiffness post event.

A post-event massage has many physiological benefits also, for example, it will aid recovery by flushing out lactic acid and reducing post-marathon soreness. It also has psychological benefits as many athletes will report that going for a massage post-event will lift their mood as well as help their body feel better.

If you are one of the 22,500 people taking part in the Dublin City Marathon this week, book in with one of our massage therapists at Archview Physiotherapy Clinic for a pre or post marathon massage! Call us on 014913228 or email [email protected] to book in now as we will fill up FAST!

Best of luck to all participants!

Pelvic Malalignment

Written by Amanda Olsen

Did you know that your pelvis can go out of alignment? It occurs more often than you’d think, and can be a cause of certain ailments/pain OR can be the result of other issues occurring in your body.

A general overview of the anatomy of the pelvis…
– The pelvis, or “the pelvic girdle” is made up of three components: the two hip bones (the ilia), the sacrum, and the coccyx (your tail bone).
– The area where the sacrum meets the hip bone (ilia) is called the sacroiliac joint (dimples at low back).
o This is the most common place for dysfunction to occur in the pelvis – this joint can also refer pain into the low back
– These three components are held together by many ligaments and muscles

What happens?
– Whether due to a sudden traumatic experience (i.e. car crash, landing forcefully on one leg) or a prolonged onset from muscle imbalances, the pelvis can become mal-aligned
– The different types of mal-alignment are:
o Upslip: one hip is higher than the other
o Forward/backward rotation: one side of pelvis is either more forwards or more backwards than the other side
o Inflare/Outflare: one side of pelvis either flares out from mid-line more or more towards mid-line more than the other side
o Leg Length Discrepancy: one leg may be longer than the other because of a forward rotation of the pelvis on the side of the longer leg
o Sacral torsion: the sacrum is tilted or rotated more to one side

Signs & Symptoms:
– Pain at site of sacroiliac joint (dimples of low back)
– Low back pain
– Buttock pain
– Feeling “off kilter” or “out of balance”

How physiotherapy can help:
– Your physiotherapist will carry out several tests and measures to determine if you have a pelvic mal-alignment that could be causing your current symptoms
– If a mal-alignment is confirmed, the following things can be done for it:
o Muscle Energy Techniques: there are a few, but the one specific to your findings is the one that will be used – this helps get the pelvis back into alignment
o Dry Needling: if muscle tightness is causing the mal-alignment then dry needling will help loosen it out and its hold on the pelvis will be released
o Trigger point/myofascial release: alternative to dry needling where the therapist’s hands are loosening out the muscle and connective tissue around it
o Exercises: specific exercises will be given to you based on what the findings are, and are tailored to keep the pelvis in its corrected alignment

Having a pelvic mal-alignment can create a knock-on effect to the back, hips, knees, and feet. So if you are experiencing any of these, it’s possible that your pelvis needs to be corrected!

Pelvic bones
Pelvic mal-alignment
Skeleton mal-aligned

Physiotherapy After Hip Replacement

Hip replacements are one of the most common joint replacement procedures performed in hospitals today. They are normally performed on individuals who have a history of hip pain due to wear and tear in the hip joint. The hip is a ball and socket joint, the ball being the head of the femur (thigh bone) and the socket being the acetabulum. The ball fits snugly into the socket and is helped kept in place by ligaments, muscles and other structures. However, with the enormous amount of movement available at this joint, it can lead it wear and tear. If the wear and tear in the hip joint becomes quite painful, you may have to get a hip replacement.

There are different types of hip replacement:

  1. Total hip replacement – This involves a total replacement of the painful and damaged joint structures in the hip which artificial materials. The replacement will consist of a ball, socket and stem.
  2. Hemi replacement – This is a partial replacement of the hip joint, whereby only the ball (head of femur) is replaced. The new metal ball fits into the original socket of the hip joint.
  3. Surface replacement – This is another total replacement of the hip, however, some of the bone is spared and not replaced with artificial prosthesis. Normally, the ball is reshaped to fit into the new artificial socket.

After surgery, there is a lot of work to do. Due to pain being present in the hip for some time, the muscles are weak and tight. In order to provide the strength, control and stability that is needed around the hip, a rehabilitation program consisting of exercises and hands on techniques will be needed to get you back to normal. Find more information at The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) This publication contains general information about hip replacement. It describes what a hip replacement is, who should have it, and alternatives to surgery. If surgery is required, it explains what the surgery involves, recovery, and rehabilitation.

If you have further questions contact one of our Chartered Physiotherapists at Archview Physiotherapy Clinic, Dublin 6 and Dublin 14 for a consultation on 01 4913228 or email [email protected].

Muscle Cramps Driving You Mad?

Nearly everyone has had or will experience a muscle cramp at some point. Muscle cramps are painful and involuntary muscle contractions that can occur suddenly and can be temporarily debilitating. Cramps can occur at rest, or during or after exercise. Muscle cramp either during or immediately after exercise is commonly referred to as “exercise associated muscle cramping”. This can be painful, spasmodic and involuntary contractions in muscle that occur immediately after exercise. Cramps are not specific to environmental conditions such as exercise in the cold or heat, but many people find that they suffer more cramps at this cold time of year. The most common site for cramps in the body is the calf.

The treatment of cramp can include passive stretching for 20-30 seconds. There is no proven strategies for the prevention of exercise induced muscle cramping but regular muscle stretching, correction of muscle imbalances and posture may be helpful. To help prevent cramps you should make sure you are well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, especially if you’re exercising. Warm-up and stretch before and after using a muscle for a long period of time. If you’re inclined to get muscle cramps at night, you can also stretch for a few minutes before sleep. A lack of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium or calcium can also lead to muscle cramps. Individuals taking diuretics may be more likely to lacking these essential electrolytes and should ask their doctors if they are experiencing cramps. Sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes, however look for ones that don’t have lots of added sugars or artificial flavours/sweeteners. Coconut water is a great sports drink alternative.

Remember if your muscle is cramping, stop the activity that triggered the pain and gently stretch/massage the muscle, holding the stretch until the pain improves and rehydrate!! Dry needling is very effective for relieving tightness and cramps in the calf and foot. If you are suffering from persistent cramps contact one of our Chartered Physiotherapists at Archview Physiotherapy Clinic, Dublin 6 and Dublin 14 for a consultation on 01 4913228 or email [email protected].


Sit-up Exercise – Anatomy of Core Strengthening

Many people engage in core strengthening to get those infamous abs or the much sought after six-pack! Your core acts as a stabiliser and helps transfer forces placed on the body. The core can be trained in isolation doing crunches or back extensions,  and with functional movements like deadlifts, overhead squats, and push-ups. There is not just one single muscle responsible for your core strength, the abdominal region is composed of several key muscles that contribute to core function. These include the obliques, transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis among others. Check out this great video which demonstrates the key muscles at work during the sit-up exercise and visualise your muscles as you work out!!

Obliques: Rotate your torso and work with the transversus abdominis to support your centre during movement.

Rectus Abdominis: The contracted rectus abdominis form the “six-pack.” While it helps stabilise your core, its main function is to flex or curl the trunk.

Transversus Abdominis: This deep muscle acts like an internal weight belt wrapping laterally around your centre.

Psoas Major/Iliacus: These hip flexors lift the thigh toward the abdomen and limit excess movememt of the hip.

Erector Spinae: These muscles straighten the back and support the spine along with the multifidus muscle.


Physiotherapy for Neurological Conditions

Neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Cerebral Palsy are conditions whereby the nervous system is affected. As a result, muscle strength, mobility, co-ordination, balance and endurance can be significantly reduced. These factors combined will have an effect on you quality of life and independence. Early intervention by your physiotherapist will help minimise physical deterioration, as well as reducing the stress and strains you may be feeling about your condition.

 What can Physiotherapy do?

  • Increase muscle strength and power
  • Improved mobility and independence
  • Better balance and co-ordination
  • Improved posture
  • Increase endurance levels
  • Boost spirit and confidence
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Chest physiotherapy
  • Maintain skin integrity
  • Encourage and advise ways to return to exercise or sporting activities within your community

We advise on transfer techniques, lifestyle modification, house adaption, seating, cushions, mattresses, night time position, splints, walking aids and many more things which can enhance your quality of life. Our Chartered Physiotherapists are neuro-rehabilitation specialists providing you with lots of confidence and full of positive energy. They will inspire you to live as independently as possible. At Archview Physiotherapy we provide assessment and treatment at our clinics and also in the comfort of your own home. Call 01 4913228 to book an appointment or to chat with one of our physiotherapists.

”Look at your condition from our vision….We see only improvements”

 Archview Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy Clinic, Dublin 6 and Dublin 14. Experts in the field of Pain and Sports Injury. Locations: Ranelagh and Dundrum, Dublin. Ph: 01 4913228 Email: [email protected]