Reoccurring Ankle Sprains & Ligament Injuries

The most common acute sporting injuries seen are acute ankle sprains or ligament injuries in the ankle. The ankle has many ligaments to support the foot in different directions. These ligaments are usually damaged by quick turns, explosive twists or ‘going over’ on your foot.

There are 3 possible grades of tear to any ligament simply numbered 1,2 and 3, with grade 1 being minor damage and grade 3 being a complete tear.

If you suspect ligament damage in your ankle or an ankle sprain you should book a consultation with Archview Physiotherapy Clinic. Here one of our physiotherapists, physical therapists or sports therapists can assess and determine which ligament is injured, what grade of tear you may have and can then proceed to treat the injury.

Initially for any ankle sprain or ligament injury rest, ice, compression and elevation, also known as RICE, is recommended to reduce swelling and it enhances a quicker recovery in the initial 24 -48 hours. From there your therapist will work with you to restore a full range of motion, strengthen and condition the surrounding muscles and ligaments, work on proprioception and balance and eventually use functional exercises to aid in your return to daily life or sport.

If the correct rehabilitation is not followed it is very likely for a person to endure multiple or reoccurring ankle sprains. Many people claim it is due to having ‘weak’ ankles. However, with professional rehabilitation this problem will be minimised.

Call (01)4913228 or email [email protected] to book a consultation with one of our team to start your recovery.

Dublin City Marathon: Pre / Post- Marathon Massage Sessions!

The marathon training is in full swing for the Dublin City Marathon and  many participants don’t allow their bodies to recover enough in between sessions or long-distance runs.

In order to for your body to recover it is obviously important to keep hydration levels up and keep track of nutrition, ensuring you are eating enough protein for cell repair and growth and enough carbohydrates to give you the energy you need. Rest days are really important to allow the body to recover and a massage on a rest day can aid recovery even further.  Many athletes opt for a massage on a rest day or even go for pre or post-training/event massages to ensure they can give their best possible performance and to have a speedy recovery afterwards.

A pre-event massage will focus on increasing blood flow, flexibility and essentially warm up and keep the muscles loose, it will also decrease stiffness post event.

A post-event massage has many physiological benefits also, for example, it will aid recovery by flushing out lactic acid and reducing post-marathon soreness. It also has psychological benefits as many athletes will report that going for a massage post-event will lift their mood as well as help their body feel better.

If you are one of the 22,500 people taking part in the Dublin City Marathon this week, book in with one of our massage therapists at Archview Physiotherapy Clinic for a pre or post marathon massage! Call us on 014913228 or email [email protected] to book in now as we will fill up FAST!

Best of luck to all participants!