Shin splints or Medial Tibia Stress Syndrome (MTSS)
Shin Splints is a term used to describe shin pain which is very a common complaint especially in runners. Many will suffer from shin splints after increasing training intensity or distance, or changing the surface they run on.
Shin splints can have a number of causes including: Overuse causing irritated and swollen muscles. Stress fractures. Overpronation or ‘flat feet’ and other biomechanical issues. Muscle imbalance or weakness
Treatment for shin splints may include: Rest from aggravating activities – rest is required to allow any swelling or irritation to calm down. Rest will be required to allow stress fractures to heal. Correction of biomechanical issues – depending on what is causing the issue this may include exercises to strengthen any weakness and/or orthotic devises. Correction of muscle imbalances – any imbalances will need to be corrected to ensure the pain does not return. This can be done through a combination of treatment and rehabilitation.
Your therapist will carry out a full assessment to determine the cause of shin pain. A comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation plan will then be discussed with you. Your treatment will include a range of treatment techniques and rehabilitation exercises. This is to help you regain full function and to help ensure the pain does not return.